the depths of magic in the creative process

Last call y'all –
The book release online gathering for Still Moving is Tuesday the 22nd at 7:30pm US eastern. If you'd like to join, please reply to this email and I'll send the Zoom link asap.

One of my favorite things to talk about related to my book is all the magic woven into it. The rituals I did throughout the drafting, revising, researching, and publishing process. The timing. The small details in everything I've done since publication, to underscore and amplify that magic—dates, photos, and more.

(For example, all the photos I've included in recent love notes. Maybe you can guess the pattern?)

Because I believe everything has meaning. Everything has its own significance. Everything is sacred.

Whatever we create can hold however much of meaning, significance, and resonance that we wish to imbue.

Another layer of magic is how I hold the container of my creativity. I have some very specific, intentional boundaries I hold. I want to create safety and support so I can be my most vivid and vulnerable in what I create.

If you're in the process of creating—by the way, we're all creating something all the time—I hope you support the process with layers of your own magic.

If you want ideas or inspiration, I hope that sharing my story and my process inspires you towards finding your own versions.

So if you want to be there, just reply and I'll send the details. Hope to see you soon!

Weaving all the magic,

she / they


Cheering people up is overrated.


writing & publishing = the hardest & easiest thing I've ever done