Sound is magic & medicine.
Everything is vibration.
Sound journeys are spaces to go beyond words, beyond language. Spaces for devotion, healing, & connection.
You drop into yourSelf, with some distance from words & sentences & thoughts, from the churning of the mind. Sound makes the surrender to the energetic interactions within yourSelf & with the rest of the universe more available. You alter your consciousness powerfully & indelibly; you inhabit your body more deeply & gracefully.
These truly are journeys—spaces to relax, but equally to find edges & layers & dimensions less familiar. These liminal spaces are compassionate & nurturing, where you connect to your energetic field, affirm your boundaries, re-align with your sense of meaning & purpose.
Sound journeys are for everyone, but they also have contraindications. Please scroll down if you need to check on what’s best for you.
photo by Radim Schreiber, from his book Firefly Experience
sync. fire.
~ concept album available now ~
Have you ever had the experience of an iconic song being not-quite for you?
(Yes, I'm well aware that "iconic" is overused to the point that It Doesn't Mean What People Think It Means. But in this case, both the song and the artist are such.)
Zero disrespect to the original artist – I've just always struggled with the lyrics. Years ago, I wrote some variations and have sung 'em to myself ever since.
Then one evening I got in the full moon, fuck it vibe and did a live recording in my living room.
Hope you enjoy and that it encourages you to bust some expectations.
What is music? What is noise? How much do we gatekeep sound? What's "good" or "worthy" vs "undesireable"?
Medicinal, healing sound spaces are increasingly commodified, increasing gentrified into a luxury experience. But music and sound are our birthrights.
What happens when you embrace all parts of the soundscape into music? When musicality = improvising with traffic.
The birds liked it.
Rather than a gentrification of sound, let's have a democratization of sound.
Recording by the Illustrious Honorable Mayor Melanie Hammet of Cosmic Gospel Hour
live from the living room ~ 4.12.23
Chimes, singing bowls, rav, gongs, with some silence at the end.
Headphones recommended.
As always, take exquisite care — know your contraindications before you listen.
Enjoy your journey.
live from Sol Dance
~ Coalescence 2.26.23 ~
Closing soundbath, live from The Chapel on Sycamore in Decatur, GA, USA.
All acoustic gongs and vocals, no amplification used. Headphones recommended!
Recording & mixing: Irons
Blessed new year!
This improv is a mix of bowls, shakers, handpan, vocals, & gong.
All acoustic. Headphones recommended!
Re-create some moments from
All Bodies Welcome,
from Curious Future Encounters at 7 Stages:
~ Listen to the background track on this page.
~ Pull cards from your favorite divination decks! The 2 decks Skyeris used at this event: Next World Tarot & Lubanko Tarot.
~ Listen & ENJOY!
Skyeris is a classically trained musician, primarily in voice. That said, they’re not at all suited for classical music, neither in voice nor temperament. (Though they are a fan.)
Rather, they’re more interested in experimentation & devotion, in spaces that alter consciousness powerfully & indelibly.
Skyeris also collaborates with Astral, a sound healer, to create a sonic space that extends to lots of corners & edges in the universe, through the combination of crystal bowls, gong, percussion, harmonium, & vocals. As much as they love a soundbath in soft focus, they call this a journey because it travels a broader expanse than just a steady sweetness. They (& you) go deep & far, explore a variety of realms.
Contraindications for sound journeys & sound healing:
~ epilepsy
~ thrombosis
~ nerve damage
~ recent post surgery (sutures)
~ pacemaker or other implants
~ 1st trimester of pregnancy
~ medication for mental or psychological conditions
Please take exquisite care of yourself.
Skyeris has also collaborated with Flight of Swallows, a structured improv group of movement artists & musicians. She appears on the group's first album, Corona Borealis, available on most streaming platforms.
© ShowLove Media || All rights reserved || Photo by Jim Dimitroff
image used with permission