writing & publishing = the hardest & easiest thing I've ever done

This love note is about easy and hard things.

Before I get into it – a reminder that the book release online gathering for Still Moving is Tuesday the 22nd at 7:30pm US eastern. If you'd like to join, please reply to this email and I'll send the Zoom link next week.

That subject line is sincere. Writing and publishing a book is both the hardest and easiest thing I've ever done.

Hardest as in when I think about the process, I get shudder-vomit-cringe-twitch all over. Bleeehhhhhh, wow, I don't know if I want to do that again.

AND easiest, as in when I think about the process, I'm also a shrug-sure-whatever kind of vibe. No problem, anytime, I got this.

Of course, there are some nuances to these polarities, which I look forward to sharing at the gathering.

Why this matters –

Because we're living in some of the worst times, at least in my lifetime. Because life is demanding some of the hardest things from us.

AND life is calling for us to step into the easiest things. The thing is, these times are making easy things difficult. Distant. But we're actually thisclose, and we can find that ease, well, I think more easily than we think.

To be clear: I don't mean easiest as in bypassing or having apathy. Being disconnected or disembodied from the world actually requires a ton of energy.

So if you're in that space, that might be partly why lots of things feel hard.

These times are opportunities for all of us to be in the challenge and the ease. I hope that sharing my story and my process inspires you towards finding your own versions.

So if you want to be there on Tuesday, just reply and I'll send the details.

Also, if you have any questions or topics you want me to address, let me know! Gladly accepting submissions ;)

In ease & in challenge,

she / they


the depths of magic in the creative process


resolutions for celebration