© Skyeris
“Social media & all its cultivated, carefully edited images has increased my appreciation for candid photography like this. You are the only person who experienced this moment from this exact perspective. This is the closest we can ever get to seeing through someone else’s eyes.”
~ Runa Bloodstone
Skyeris first got a Le Clic point & shoot as a young child. The quality was such that grand shots of trees didn’t look that great. So, she set out to explore the small details & moments of her neighborhood.
That attention to the small moments has never left her work. One of her favorite things about photography is its capacity to record a moment. A split second, truly. No past, no future. No before, no after.
This photo is a great example. While on a road trip she woke up from a nap to this view & took the photo.
Then she fussed with things on the dashboard. Tweaked the framing. Nothing looked as good as that first unplanned shot.
Then, of course, the road shifted & the sun continued setting. This moment was gone.
In her work, you’ll see this theme of noticing the ephemeral, fleeting moment. Things that might not be magnificent or huge.
But failing to notice them is a failure to be fully present, fully in the magical, fleeting moment.
When Skyeris is in front of the lens, they have this same attention to small details, to capturing the fleeting moment.
They are especially interested in conveying the sacredness of the body & its aging, as well as the sacredness of all emotions.
Some photos have accompanying essays, poems, or other words.
So breathe it all in. May you truly see.