how 3 album sales > 33K streams

So, this is a story that completely surprised me – a way that 3 sales on Bandcamp are more than 33K streams on Spotify. The point is that there's an important perspective on art and access, one which you might know know about.

So please stay with me; I think it's worth it.

This is all inspired by a recent video from Francesco Turrisi, about his earnings on Spotify. In the spirit of his transparency, I'm being equally transparent about my own numbers.

(First, some relevant facts, if you aren't familiar with Francesco Turrisi –
He's a multi-instrumentalist and composer; he's won a Grammy; he tours internationally; he's released many albums. He's the kind of person who doesn't have mainstream radio play, but in his circles, he's A Big Deal.)

Recently, he released a video about his Spotify earnings in 2024. As you'd expect for a world musician, his streams are not in the stratosphere of big pop stars. But still impressive: he had 33K streams this year.

In comparison: I released my first album this year on Bandcamp, which has had about 150 streams.

(Which, to be clear, I'm so delighted about. To my listeners – HOLY MOLY THANK YOU I'M SERIOUSLY SO HONORED YOU CHOOSE TO LISTEN TO MY MUSIC & I HOPE YOU LOVE IT.)

But, y'know, 33K to 150 is a stark ratio. Which makes sense and I'm fine with that.

Anyways, in his video, paisan Francesco also shared his Spoitfy earnings for 2024. You might think that someone who's a big deal in music, with 33K streams earns a decent return.

What do you think he made from 33K streams on Spotify?

[Hopefully I've put enough space that you have to scroll a little to see the answer.]

He made $22.

On 33K streams.

It's worth repeating: $22 on 33,000 streams.

Maybe you can guess where this is going.

On Bandcamp, 3 people purchased my album.


My album retails for about $8, which means 3 album sales out-earn Francesco's Spotify streams.

But because Bandcamp allows for the option to pay musicians above the sale price, I've earned even more. Of the 3 album sales, 2 of them were from people who paid above the listed cost.

So, I got $37 from 3 album sales.

To recap: 3 album sales on Bandcamp out-earned 33,000 streams on Spotify.

Another relevant fact: an individual Spotify subscription is currently $12 per month.

So, in 2 months, you'll pay more than what Francesco Turrisi earned from a year's worth of streams. And in 4 months, you'll pay more than what I earned from my album sales.

And capitalism will tell you that's a win – that you can get ALL THE MUSIC for such little money.

Yes, I understand the appeal.

But what capitalists don't proclaim—and this is important, both the fact and that it's not mentioned—that Spotify execs make 6 figures a year.

Which is way more—by a gigantic order of magnitude—than most artists earn on this platform.

A Spotify exec makes more per HOUR—by a giant margin—than most artists earn on the platform in a YEAR.

A platform which is completely dependent on—and whose entire business model is based upon—what musicians create.

I think that's fucking bullshit.

For a lot of reasons, but they all come down to artists deserving more.

Here's the thing, though –
This isn't about shaming you for a Spotify account. You do you.

The point is to understand how things are connected, how we're all participating. There is no opt out. 

Because of course, this situation reflects other industries and all the disparities we see in this country.

Know where your money goes. Know who you actually support.

For the record, you can learn about Francesco Turrisi here. I listen to him on Bandcamp.

My album, sync. fire., a concept album about synchronous fireflies, is here.

And if you want to listen to Francesco break down what he earned per stream, you can watch his video here.
Not that you couldn't estimate already, but it's a LOT less than a penny per stream.

All of that to say – I want you to know how far your DIRECT support of artists goes. Especially independent ones.

Thanks for reading.


she / they


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