this onward day

Well, I can admit I love the puns on March fo[u]rth.

I love most language witchery, honestly.

AND I also thought "onward and gongward" was a lil' too cheesy for a subject line.

But there's a good reason for the cheesy pun, I promise!

Because now online is a recent sound journey I played, with gongs and vocals.
(It's the closing sound journey for a recent gathering from Sol Dance, a conscious dance community in Atlanta.)

I'm super excited to share because it's hard to capture the subtleties and overtones of gongs in a recording.

However, this recording is in an amazing live space, and I really love that you can hear the acoustics of the room.

Headphones recommended, as well as a space where you can relax.

You can listen directly from my site. Or, if you're a Soundcloud user and prefer the app, I'd love any comments or a follow!

If you're new to my art and all that I do, I recommend exploring my site, which has music, photography, essays, and more.

Gongward and upward,

she / they


photos + music + (the start of) an origin story


the first love note