sync. fire. ~ synesthesia & sultry Southern summer nights
Greetings, dear reader –
I'm excited to share more about sync. fire., which means this love letter is full of spoilers. If you want to listen before the spoilers, head on over to the album and finish reading later ;)
This album is a tribute to fireflies on sultry Southern summer nights, as well as a capture of some of my synesthesia.
First, the name – sync. fire. is my abbreviation for synchronous fireflies.
I made this album because I've always loved fireflies, and my first experience with synchronous fireflies was incredibly powerful. Because I'm a synesthete, I heard the fireflies, not just saw them.
If you're already familiar with synchronous fireflies, then you know how magical they are. And I think the first track of the album will make sense, sonically.
If you're not familiar with them, hopefully my sonic version can give you an idea. By hearing what I've heard, you can imagine the visual experience.
The album notes also have my description in words, as well as a resource section.
(If you want to know more, there are loads of articles and videos online.)
For example, synchronous fireflies have been documented in Asia for hundreds of years. But it wasn't until the 20th century that scientists were aware that there were synchronous fireflies in North America.
So, I hope you like the music, and perhaps it will spark some curiosity!
In the flashes of light,
she / they
photo by Radim Schreiber, from his book Firefly Experience