Still Moving is published!

Not tons of news, but big news nonetheless –

Still Moving is published! Available wherever you get books.

If you have Instagram, I did a quick lil' read there, in lieu of a big launch party :)

Excerpts of the book are on my site, as well as links to online booksellers:

I would love for you to share with friends, review online, post on social media. Or pass along the media kit to podcasters, journalists, or anyone else you think is a good fit — however you're inclined or inspired to share.

And, of course, feel free to share your impressions of the book with me anytime!

It's been an exciting, exhausting, and surreal week. My prevailing thought has been that I hope Still Moving illuminates ways to face illness, pain, grief, despair, isolation, struggle—things we often fear and stigmatize—that connect more deeply to love.

Blessings in these wild times.


she / they


in the last month...


when worlds collide (a more poetic way of saying...)