part 2 of the origin story

Part 2 of unknown total of the origin story of my book –
(If you're new to these, I'm self-publishing a book very soon. See part 1 of the origin story here.)

As part 1 describes, I found refuge in the blank page. Ultimately, I choked out about 20 pages. After vacillating on how much to share, I wrote what I thought was the worst of the experience.

The heaviest, most depressing, most dreadful symptoms, health complications, thoughts, feelings. All of 'em. I had 20 pages of yuck.

Then, a year ago this week, I called a few very close friends. I told them all the same thing: I'd written 20 heavy, depressing pages about my Long Covid experience. That I would share the document if they wanted to read it. And that I also understood if they didn't finish the 20 pages. Quitting was understandable and reasonable.

I didn't say quitting was likely, but I thought it.

I ended the conversations with something like "If you read all of it, would you want to know the rest of the story? The rest of the context for this experience?" They all agreed, and I sent the document.

Immediately, all the stress from choking out the words disappeared. Because, you see, I was fully confident that those last 2 questions were rhetorical. I asked them sincerely. But I was utterly confident the answers would be no.

And so, the whole thing dropped from my mind.

For all of 2 days, when the universe—via my loved ones—called my bluff.

You already know where this is going, yeah?

They all said yes.

And then I had the same-but-new task – to continue writing. But now, believe that people wanted to read it.

TL;DR – My bluff got CALLED.

A year later, the original bluff has become a hundred-page book. NO ONE is more surprised than I am.
(Pictured below: the very succinct [table of] contents.)


she / they


part 3 of the origin story + upcoming live events


photos + music + (the start of) an origin story