
When I was under 30, every article or interview I read about a woman performer/musician/actress under 30 included a sly mention of her weight. Often the number (in lbs, go USA) was only 2 digits. Things like "the graceful 98-lb newcomer" or "the feisty 102-lb powerhouse" or were common.

Sometimes the weight was a "big" number, like 125 lbs. But those "big" numbers were always qualified, like "She's tall AND an athlete!"

Numbers carry so much weight.

Before that journalistic standard was acceptable, women's bust-waist-hip measurements were routinely mentioned in public.

Numbers hold so much value.

As we all know, entire industries DEPEND on self-hatred of the body. Often, it's baked into the business plan.

Disordered eating can lead to lifelong problems, including insufficient bone density, cardiac issues, fertility and pregnancy problems, and brain dysfunction. Often at a much younger age than expected. Children and teens who get pressured about their weight now could end up with any of these health issues at a younger age than I am now.

When I brought this up recently, I was struck by how many women remembered specific numbers. Weight. Sizes. Weight. Measurements. Weight.

They remembered SPECIFIC numbers. Specific numbers, from DECADES ago.

Numbers can be so heavy.

Too much emphasis is still placed on these numbers.

That said, numbers can matter. I made a list of real, meaningful numbers about my body.

This list for those who insist they only date 10s, or like to reduce people and bodies to numbers:

~ 40+ years of age
~ 40+ years of neurodivergence & synesthesia
~ 35+ years being a musician
~ 30+ years of chronic pain
~ 30+ years of a mentrual cycle
~ 20+ years of living veg/plant-based
~ 15+ years of a daily yoga practice (the last 8 solo)
~ 4 years as a bike commuter
~ 4+ years of long covid
~ countless times of sexual harassment & assault, including rape
~ 1 active volcano hiked
~ 1 bungee jump
~ 1 samurai battle reenactment
~ 1 wave surfed
~ 1 time I've shaved my legs in the past decade (not for this photo)
~ 1 apppearance on a local magazine cover (for work, not looks)
~ 2 languages spoken well
~ 2 languages spoken poorly
~ 20+ languages in which I know at least 1 (often only 1) word
~ 1 word added to the internet

Whatever people might speculate about those other numbers, I don't care. I don't even know them right now.

It's telling, then, when people claim they're relevant to who I am as a person. They're not.

How many things would shift—drastically and immediately—if tomorrow you and everyone you know woke up and decided your bodies are perfect? If you chose to love your body NOW, as. it. is.

The world as we know it would change.

And if in the process you want numbers, make them matter.

Originally published in May 2022.



